
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Business and enterprise!!

Good morning everybody I hope you all are doing well today i'm going to to be sharing what I did yesterday on Business and enterprise.

The purpose for the for kete was to learn how to handle a business .When we get older if we do start a business we might remember the stuff we did in school it.The things I learned was how make costumers come buy your stuff or make them interested in you market and business.

Yesterday was Business and enterprise,our group made poster for people to put on there walls.We made about 17 posters most of them got sold some didn't .Our business was in the middle we were doing pretty good.

My role was marketing manager I handle making the big display poster so people could read it and buy our products.I leaned that even though you don't get much costumers you still have to try until you get costumers.

over all it was fun I went and brought products from other group like the spotify glass frame.

I hope you liked my blog bye:)

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Keas are smart!!

 Good morning everybody I hope you all are doing well today,I'm going to be sharing what i did in Hurumanu 2.

In our Hurumanu 2 class we have been reading this book called ''Uncle Don know heaps of wacky stuff'' this week we read page 23 to 28.As always we have to choose a fact from the book and research about it.

The fact I chose this time was ''The New Zealand Kea is one of the few parrots in the world to live in the cold.They live in the South island high country and are mostly vegetarian -And are also very brainy''

I did my research on google slides by writing the information on the slides!

Here is my work hope you like it!!   

Thank you for reading my wonderful Blog. Please Comment and Have an Amazing Day:)

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Hello everybody,

I hope you all are doing well today i'm going to be sharing what i did in Hurumanu 2.

In Hurumanu 2 we have been reading a book called ''Uncle Don know heaps of wacky stuff'.In the book book we read pages 17 to 21.After we read the pages we had to research about the facts or thing that interested us the most.The fact i chose was long tailed Bats,i did my work on google slide but you could do it on other stuff like Canva.

Did you know long tailed bats weigh 8 to 12gs.

Here is my Work!


       Thank you for reading my Amazing Blog. Please Comment and Have an Amazing Day.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Henri Rousseau

Good afternoon everybody i hope you all are doing well. Today i'm going to be talking about what i did in Art for .

In our art my class watched a video called the the fantastic jungles of Henri Rousseau,it was about a man called Henri Rousseau who loved painting he was a self taught artist who couldn't afford art lessons.

He painted jungles,animals and nature even though he had never been to a jungle. No one ever told him he was talented before he started painting.He collected ideas from around the city for his new paintings.One day Henry read about a big art exhibition,he takes his art to the art exhibition and presents it to experts. Henry went to the art exhibition to present his art and every time the art experts made fun of him saying that it looks like he closed his eyes and painted with his feet.He got used to peoples nasty comments,he knew his art was simpler and flatter and he found that lovely. Henry spend all he earned on art supplies.He also gave music lessons in the afternoon.For weeks he fixed his painting when he finished he took it to the art exhibition many experts make fun of him and some disagreed.His paintings now hangs in  museums all around the world.

After watching the video we draw drawing similar to Henri Rousseau.It was fun!!

check out the video

The Fantastic Jungles of Henri Rousseau (Incredible Lives for Young  Readers): Markel, Michelle, Hall, Amanda: 9780802855237: Books

Friday, November 5, 2021

Brown teals

Good morning everybody I hope you all are doing well today i'm going to be sharing what i did in Hurumanu 2.

In our Hurumanu 2 class we are reading this book called ''Uncle Don know heaps of wacky stuff'' In the book we read page up to 16 and there are more but the pages we read was 12 to 16. We had to choose a fact that interested us most the fact I chose was Brown teals with a picture of them.I chose to write in on slide and put picture of the brown teals. I wrote what they eat what they do and how they live.

This was really fun to do when researching about brown teals and i think you shoud do something like this.Just give it try!!

here is my work!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Baby Eels

Hey guys today I'm going to be talking about what I did Hurumanu 3 last week.

Last week we read a book called Uncle Don knows heaps of wacky stuff.The book was about a little girls uncle who takes care of important stuff around the country.There were facts and stuff  related to New Zealand and just facts written on the book, we had to choose a fact to research about ,the fact that interested me was about Eels.

The fact was baby eels are called elvers and come to New Zealand all the way from Tonga.It was pretty fun reading the book and researching about the facts.

Here is my presentation about baby Eels hope you like it:)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Holiday blog

 Hello everyone today Im going to be writing how my holidays went.

In the past 2 weeks we had our school holidays I went to my friends house and went to the park together, I also went ice skating it was fun.

I also went to the park and did some excise like push ups,star jumps and squats.

I watched movies and videos on you tube like unsolved mystery.

I enjoyed spending time with my family and playing games at home like carrom board.The emotion i went through in the holidays was happy and excited because i went to my cousins house!!

I hope you like my holiday blog!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Diary of a wild boy

Hello everyone today I read Diary of a wild boy and I am going to write some information of the book on this blog.

Brando walked around coastline of New Zealand to turn his life around in a good way. His life just wasn't moving from where it was.

For his journey he carried his map, tent, knife, backpack and a phone for keeping track of his journey.

His journey around the New Zealand coastline was about 600 days long. He also took small breaks at night for resting and sleeping.

In his journey he ate bacon, seafood and bread.

One of the challenges he faced was when he was standing on the edge of a cliff. There was only one way down which was going back the way he came from, but it was getting darker and then the rain came and branches hit his body and poked his eyes, he was cold and hungry.

One of his favourite parts of his walk was when he felt like an early explorer, when he stopped by the Kahurangi coast.

When he reached the Canterbury coast he said that it was one giant cliff and he was walking along the bottom of it. After a few days he found a sheep that had fallen onto the beach. He fed her grass that she coudn´t reach.

In the end the trip teaches Brando that life is better with someone than alone. If he wants to change his life he has time and that he can.Brando's back from wild adventure |

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Henry Sunderland

 Hello everyone today I´m going to be writing about Henry Sunderland,like interesting facts and his projects.

He worked as a children's presenter with TVNZ and has illustrated a many children book with his twin brother.

He used to teach at Hornby high school.

Henry Sunderland has made 2 books called ¨Yes, the Year of the Mask, 2020¨ and Lock down Island 2020: 49 Daily Cartoons from New Zealand Henry Sunderland.

Illustrator's daily cartoons document our 49 days on 'lockdown island' |

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

lockdown blog

 Hey guys today i´m going to be telling how my lock down went.

 My lock down was pretty good because I like staying home. It was boring but I tried to stay motivated by doing things around the house like cooking. I usually woke up around 11 in the morning and did some school work

I hope you like it:)

Monday, September 20, 2021

Comic man

 Hey guys today i'm going to be talking about what I did in my hurumanu 3 class

In my hurumanu 3 class we had our lock down tasks to do we were in different groups my group were reading about comic man.Comic man is a man who loved drawing from very young age when he got older he started draw his own comic book,he got paid for making comic strips.

Here is the full story

Here is the link to my work that I  did on comic man

Pickle #1 by Dylan Horrocks

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lisa Carrington

 Hello everybody today I'm going to be showing you what i did in my hurumanu class about Lisa Carrington.

We had  to read a article which talks about her. Their were information about when she was born where she lives and where is is currently living.After we reading the article we answered some questions about Lisa Carrington.

here are some easy information about her!

Lisa Carrington

Age:32 years old

Date -of-birth:(born 23 June 1989

Height: 1.68 M

Weight:53 kg


Club: Eastern Bay of Plenty

MNZM means:New Zealand Order of Merit.

here are some pictures of Lisa Carrington

Lisa Carrington dominates Olympic Games like no other New Zealander | Carrington's golden success: 'It's just trying to be better than I was  the day before' | RNZ

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Tokyo olympics 2020

 Hey everybody in this blog I'm going to be talking about what we did in the past weeks.

 The last few weeks we have been working on Tokyo 2020 Olympics our task was to find 5 New Zealand athletes and write about them like their age where they are from and much more.

After we had to write down all the people that won gold,silver and bronze medal in the Olympics 

Here is the link to my slide!!

I hope you liked my blog!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Chilli tasting

Chilli tasting 
Aim:to see which the best way to cool down the hot cillie taste in your mouth when eating chili.
Hypothesis:I think that using milk I will be able to remove the hot chilli taste from my mouth.

3.coca cola
4.tasting cups

1. you will work in a group of three for this experiment. Each person in the group will use one of the drinks
 with the will then swap results in your group so that everyone has the same results.

2.each member of the group needs to have their own tasting cup.This will be used for putting in different liquid in as we cool off the chilli in our mouths. to piece of chilli in your mouth.

4.after 10 seconds you will drinks the liquid that you have in your cup.As you do this you will complere a results
you will be recording the following using yes and no
-effectiveness of the liquid immediately.
-the effectiveness of the liquid after 3 minutes

Chilli Tasting Results

Record : Yes or No


After 3 minutes







Coca Cola



The milk did not work immediately.After 3 minutes it had a small effect.The coke had a small effect immediately.Coke had no effect after 3 minutes.the water did not work immediately.The water did not stop the chilli after 3 minutes.

Milk could be a solution when eating spicy foods - literally. That's because milk helps your mouth handle capsaicin, an oily chemical compound in chilli peppers. Capsaicin binds to a receptor in the tongue and creates a burning sensation...Casein protein found in milk can also bind to the capsaicin and wash it away.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Hey everybody,today in science we are going to be tasting different food like bitter, sweet and sour.

I'll will record the work.


1.Get safety glasses and make a blindfold

2. Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses. 

3. using an ice cream stick you will dip it into the sample. Once the samoke is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response

4. There will be 2 answers     

5. At taste test once you need to hold your nose

Answer 1: is it sweet, sour, salty or bitter 

Anser2: What do you think it is. Record it

here is the results.

Blind taste testing result

Sample number

Sweet, sour, bitter, salty.

I think it is…….

Sample A



Sample B



Sample C


Baking powder or flour

Sample D


Lime juice

Sample E



Sample F



Sample G


An apple 

Sample H

sweetgummy bear

Sample I