
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Diary of a wild boy

Hello everyone today I read Diary of a wild boy and I am going to write some information of the book on this blog.

Brando walked around coastline of New Zealand to turn his life around in a good way. His life just wasn't moving from where it was.

For his journey he carried his map, tent, knife, backpack and a phone for keeping track of his journey.

His journey around the New Zealand coastline was about 600 days long. He also took small breaks at night for resting and sleeping.

In his journey he ate bacon, seafood and bread.

One of the challenges he faced was when he was standing on the edge of a cliff. There was only one way down which was going back the way he came from, but it was getting darker and then the rain came and branches hit his body and poked his eyes, he was cold and hungry.

One of his favourite parts of his walk was when he felt like an early explorer, when he stopped by the Kahurangi coast.

When he reached the Canterbury coast he said that it was one giant cliff and he was walking along the bottom of it. After a few days he found a sheep that had fallen onto the beach. He fed her grass that she coudn´t reach.

In the end the trip teaches Brando that life is better with someone than alone. If he wants to change his life he has time and that he can.Brando's back from wild adventure |

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Henry Sunderland

 Hello everyone today I´m going to be writing about Henry Sunderland,like interesting facts and his projects.

He worked as a children's presenter with TVNZ and has illustrated a many children book with his twin brother.

He used to teach at Hornby high school.

Henry Sunderland has made 2 books called ¨Yes, the Year of the Mask, 2020¨ and Lock down Island 2020: 49 Daily Cartoons from New Zealand Henry Sunderland.

Illustrator's daily cartoons document our 49 days on 'lockdown island' |

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

lockdown blog

 Hey guys today i´m going to be telling how my lock down went.

 My lock down was pretty good because I like staying home. It was boring but I tried to stay motivated by doing things around the house like cooking. I usually woke up around 11 in the morning and did some school work

I hope you like it:)

Monday, September 20, 2021

Comic man

 Hey guys today i'm going to be talking about what I did in my hurumanu 3 class

In my hurumanu 3 class we had our lock down tasks to do we were in different groups my group were reading about comic man.Comic man is a man who loved drawing from very young age when he got older he started draw his own comic book,he got paid for making comic strips.

Here is the full story

Here is the link to my work that I  did on comic man

Pickle #1 by Dylan Horrocks